Four Ways You Can Help Eliminate the Restavèk System:
1. Inform and Educate (yourself and others)
Jean-Robert Cadet's autobiography, "Restavec: From Haitian Child
Slave to Middle Class American" is a good place to start.
May we suggest that you order a copy in English for yourself and
donate a copy in Creole for a Haitian library or organization.
Email us for details.
Additional information can be secured from NCHR (see
our links on child labor and restavèks), the US Committee
Convention on the Rights of the Child, human rights organizations and relief groups such as
Beyond Borders. Share the information with your colleagues, friends
and relatives. Discuss it among yourselves, organize workshops,
forums or teach-ins. We'll be happy to assist you.
2. Provide Support
The restavèk system will not be eliminated overnight. The system
is fueled by chronic poverty, lack of resources, misguided
government policies and priorities, and most importantly, lack of
protection for children at risk.
With your financial support, organizations like NCHR can develop
projects and initiatives that address these issues, and help you
understand better how you can eliminate the restavèk system.
3. Pressure and Advocate
A little goes a long way. Letters or postcards supporting the
elimination of the restavèk system send a message that you care.
Recipients should include US and Haitian government leaders, the UN
High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights, and UNICEF.
The ability to secure a brighter future for Haiti's children rests
on your conviction and commitment that the practice of restavèk
has no place in the new millennium.